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Human Resources / Civil Service

Qualifying Events and Loss of Coverage 

In the event of an employee qualifying event or loss of coverage employees must notify the Human Resources Department immediately after the event has occurred (within 30 days) and provide the appropriate documentation for insurance changes.  

  • Marriage: marriage license required if requesting to add a spouse.
  • Divorce: a divorce decree will be required to remove a spouse.
  • Birth or Adoption of a child: verification of birth is required.
  • Gain or Loss of Coverage: if any legal dependents gain or lose coverage, an employee is able to drop or enroll them. A letter from the insurance carrier stating the exact date of change will be required.
  • Dependent Updates (Death, Etc.): require copies of social security number, birth certificate and marriage license.
  • Beneficiary Updates: require date of birth and social security number.
  • Change of Address and/or Telephone Updates: required to submit through the Employee Self Service portal.
  • FMLA
  • Military Leave